יום חמישי, 28 בפברואר 2013

קביעות מזוזה - שאלות

In the first picture I believe that this entrance is chiuv in mezuza according to the Shitas Rosh in Yoreh Deah 287 that we obligate corners of walls even when there is no mezuza that actually protrudes. In the second picture the cabinets are built into the wall again I believe that one should put a mezuza on this entrance. Does the cabinent patur the entrance?

3 תגובות:

  1. In regard to the first picture I don't understand clearly where the mezuzos ha'shaar are.
    The second is patur, the cabinets are mevatel the pesach, and they themselves are not mezuzos sha'ar.

  2. I do not have any other picture it was emailed to me
    The mashkof is on top of the corner wall.

    1. I don't see a chiyuv here because there is only a wall from the right side, under the mashkof. The left is protruding outward, so it isnt adjacent to the right wall.
