יום ראשון, 4 במרץ 2012

מזוזות בקאראוואן שהורם לאויר

קאראוואן של דירה שהורם ממקומו על ידי מנוף והועבר למקום אחר, חייבים להוריד את המזוזות ולחזור ולקבען בברכה.
ברגע שהמנוף הרים את הקאראוואן נפסל קביעת המזוזות משום 'תעשה ולא מן העשוי', כי בית העומד באויר פטור ממזוזה [בקל וחומר מבית בספינה המבואר ביו"ד סי' רפו] ומה שהניח המנוף את הקאראוואן חזר ונתחייב בחיוב חדש, והמזוזות הקבועות נפסלו קביעתן משום 'תעשה ולא מן העשוי'.  

5 תגובות:

  1. I believe the same would apply if you rented your home out to a goi . The house will need to re fix the mezzuzahs, since the chiov is potuv while the goi is living in the home.

  2. This indeed is a shayla mentioned in the acharonim, I don't remember offhand where.
    Therefore it is custom to take down the mezuzos, and put them back in order to make a bracha. It is better to give them to check before, so there will be some hefsek in order to make a bracha [pashut, this is if he wants to use the same mezuzos left during the time a goy lived there

  3. I think it would be recommended to take down the mezuza if one is renting his house to a goy.
    A question might arise if he allows a goy to live for a short period, does this recommend he remove the mezuza, and what is the shyur time

  4. Seemingly the main problem is when the goi is renting the house, as opposed to just living there for a very short while.
    Pischei Shearim p. 130 touches these issues.

  5. I think the best is to take down the mezuza before a goy comes to live there, since the Rema says (end Hilchos Mezuza) that it is forbidden to give a goy a mezuza, same should apply to give a goy [or rent him] a house that has a mezuza on its doorpost.
    But after the fact, a mezuza left when the goy lived there meanwhile, the Mezuzos Melachim writes isn't pasul because of "ta'ase vlo min ha'asuy" since it was originaly put up kosher.

    We had this issue above [in this blog] in one of the posts regarding a person that takes down the door for a short time, does this make the mezuza left - pasul because ta'ase vlo min he'asuy.

    L'mayse in both cases this svara is not so pashut, I think one should lechatchila machmir and take the mezuza down and renew the kvias hamezuza without a bracha.
